Thursday, May 9, 2013

Celebrity Deathpool

Kevin B., Matt D, and I decieded to create a celebrity deathpool for money. Here are the rules.

1. Have your pick in by 11:59 PM Sunday May 12 Eastern Time. You can make a pic by leaving a comment in the comment section of this blog. Be sure to include contact info (email or twitter handle)

2. Cost is a penny a day. For example, if the pool lasts 30 days, all the losers should PayPal the winner 30 cents. (Please don't be a flake)

3. Anyone alive is eligible but coma patients are a case by case basis, decided by the Deathpool Committee (Me, Kevin and Matt)

4. Each person can only make 1 pick. At the end of 6 months if no one in our celebrity deathpool has passed, then everyone is required to make totally new picks.


  1. Twitter name is @Darkmeathook, my deathpool pick is Amanda Bynes

  2. Twitter name is @DCyetti, my deathpool pick is Zsa Zsa Gabor

  3. @tess_allation
    I pick George Bush Senior


    @JulieMorris2010 selects Lindey Lohan

  5. With the 6th pick in the draft, @nati2de selects Abe Vigoda
